Professional Journals |
"When the
financial information is presented on the advisors Website rather than the [software providers] site, it solidifies the advisors relationship with the client."
Practical Accountant (May 2001)
"An idea whose time has come. The man behind the Practical Accountant and Accountant Technology has created a web design and hosting company for accounting professionals. For as little as [$594], small firms can have a presence on the Web complete with a wealth of information for their clients. Personal life events, business and tax strategies, a monthly newsletter and a reference library all come with the package, in addition to customizable pages."
Electronicaccountant.com (November 1999)
"Robert Behren, who founded The Practical Accountant, a sister magazine to Accounting Technology, has launched an accounting portal
. Located at www.gofso.com, the site provides Web design service to practitioners, and also supplies them with an editorial database that provides material for their practices. A private site offers tips on marketing an accounting practice through the use of a Web site, over 100 financial calculators, and links to more than 100 resources for accountants."
Accounting Technology Magazine (December 2000)
"The primary benefit of having a Web site, firms say, is that it declares that their practices are technologically current.... If potential clients are checking out your firm by visiting your site, it would be wise to consider the site's quality. Several things [are recommended] to create a quality Web site. One is to post advice on such practical matters as how to prepare for retirement or how to save money for a child's college tuition. Another...is to update your site on a regular basis so that it doesn't become stale."
Accounting Technology Magazine (June 1998)
"If you want to create a Website for your firm, you have to offer something to attract visitors.... Articles, tax tips and checklistschanged frequentlygive potential clients a reason to keep coming back.... Add links that are pertinent to your practice and add them right in the articles....You've decided it's time your firm had a Website....You know no one is going to visit just to read an online brochure. You have to provide material that is both useful and entertaining.... As important as having interesting content is changing that content often."
The Journal of Accountancy (July 1997)