General Questions |
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What is a CompleteSite Interactive Website?
How do I subscribe?
To become a Subscriber, visit www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com
and in the left navigation bar (gray), click on “SUBSCRIBE NOW”. Follow the online instructions.
Note: If you have any questions or would like to subscribe over the phone, please contact Customer Service.
What Website designs are currently available?
If you are a subscriber to CompleteSite Interactive already, please log into the SiteBuilder to see the lastest Website Template designs, otherwise click here.
Can I see a model of an existing CompleteSite Interactive Website?
Click here and select one of the many available designs to view the model site.
Do I have to learn a new software program to customize my Deluxe Website?
No. CompleteSite Interactivedoes everything for you! Simply fill out our easy-to-use online forms and then, with a keystroke, all of your content and site preferences are instantly published to the Internet!
How soon will my Deluxe Website be online?
In as little as 15 minutes after you sign up, your site can be online and available to clients and prospects. Our "QuickSite"
option allows you to customize only the required fields and use our default text and design for the rest. In that case, your site will be up in a matter of minutes!
How do I customize my Website?
Do you provide any online resources to help me get the most out of CompleteSite Interactive?
Yes. Our private section of CompleteSite Interactive provides you with professional resources, FAQs, Marketing Tips, and other useful features to help you manage your subscription and promote your Website.
How often can I make changes to my website?
As often as you'd like, at no additional charge.
What kind of support do you offer to your subscribers?
Can I add my firm's logo to my Deluxe Website?
Yes. Our exclusive SiteBuilder includes the functionality to upload your firm's logo from your desktop computer. To go there, click here.
What are the size restrictions for my firm logo?
Currently, there is no restriction on the dimensions of your firm logo, but we do have a limit of file size of 50K. This
is primarily, because the larger the file is , the slower your page is to load. However, if you still want to use a larger file, we will be able to accomodate you requests.
Contact Customer Service for more information.
- Can I setup a client e-mail list and send a single e-mail to all of my clients on my Deluxe Website?
Yes. CompleteSite Interactive's EBot provides you with a FREE away to keep in touch with your Website Visitors by giving you a Web-based email list management system that:
- Collects visitor email addresses automatically.
- Sends email to all your visitors with just one click.
- Manages your mailing lists for you.
You will have the ability to let your clients join right from your Website. They will simply enter their email address in a text box and click on "Join!". You manage, control and send emails to your private mailing list directly from your CompleteSite Interactive's SiteBuilder.
To view or manage your mailing list now, click here.
- Can my clients send me an e-mail automatically from my Website?
Yes. Your clients can send you an e-mail directly from your FSO Website by accessing your “Conact Us
” page. Any email address they click on will alunch an email message box and the email address will automatically appear. Your clients can simply compose their email and click on “Send.”
How can I restore the default text to my website pages?
First, log into the SiteBuilder wizard located at www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com.
In the left navigation bar (gray), choose the Web Page you wish to restore the default text on. Then simply click on
the “ Revert to Defaults ” button on the botom, right hand side of the page. This will restore the default
text for that particular page only.
Note: If you have forgotten your login information, please contact Customer Service.
Can I display a map to my office on my customized Website?
Yes, you can display a map at the bottom of your Contact
Us page of your website. To do so, click here.
Can I track the number of hits on my customized site?
Yes. We have developed the functionality to provide our subscribers with a real-time hit counter which tracks visitor traffic to your Deluxe Website. The hist counter is displayed for your private viewing on the SiteBuilder page. The display shows the number of vistors who have accessed your website.
When a visitor to my site submits a "More Information"request in my Contacts Us page, where does that go?
The request for “ More Information ” is emailed directly to whom ever is listed as your Website Administrator. To view this information or make changes, click here.
Can we move or remove the "Join our mailing list!" feature that appears on our Welcome page?
The “Join our mailing list!” feature was intended to be available on your Welcome Page, because this will be the most trafficked area
for your Website. Therefore, it was not designed to moved to any other Web page. You may, however, remove it altogther by following the steps below:
Step #1: Go to www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com.
Step #2: Log in to the “Subscriber Login” fields using your administrator's unique “ Username ” and “ Password“.
Step #3: In the left navigation bar(gray), click on “Manage Mailing List”.
Step #4: Uncheck the box in the front of “Show the"Join our mailing list box "on the Welcome Page.”
Step #5: Important! If you make any changes, you must scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.
Note: If you have forgotten your login information, please contact Customer Service.
Can I apply HTML formatting to the text on my customized pages?
Yes. All customized pages generated by FSO's SiteBuilder Wizard can handle HTML code to even further enhance the look of your site.
For an HTML formatting primer, click here.
Is there a way to choose different Fonts and Styles for our customizable text?
Yes. You can insert HTML into the text to change the font. For example, if your custom text is: Welcome to our firm website.
You can easily change the Font to Arial by entering your text:
<font face="Arial">Welcome to our firm website</font>
For more HTML tips that you can use, click here.
How can I add a Website link to my Welcome Page?
You can add a Website link in the text of your Welcome Page by using the standard HTML tag:
<a href="link">link name</a>
For example, if you wanted the work Hello to link to www.html.com, you would type:
<a href="www.html.com">Hello</a>
For more HTML tips that you can use, click here.