Troubleshooting |
Please Click on a topic below:
- I can't see the changes I made to my Website? How do I clear my browser's cache?
Here's the scenario: you go into the SiteBuilder Wizard,
make your changes to your Website and click on "Build My Site".
You go to see the changes on your live Website and you don't
see the changes. This could be due to either of 2 issues:
1) You forgot to press save after you made your changes
in the SiteBuilder Wizard; or
2) That you are looking at a cached page.
If you simply forgot to press save after you made your changes
in the SiteBuilder Wizard, please return to the SiteBuilder
and re-enter your changes. Then scroll to the bottom of the
page and
click “ Save ”.
If that is not the case, then you may be looking at a cached
page, in that case, try closing and the reopening
your browser. If this does not solve your problem, here is
how you can clear your browser's cache and view your new page:
Internet Explorer:
1) Click on “ View ” from the top menu
bar and then click on "Refresh"
2) If you still cannot see your changes, click on “ Internet
Options ”.
3) Select “ Delecte files ” button: This clears
all the browser info cached on your computer's hard drive.
Click this to delete the contents of the Temporary Internet
Files folder or folders.
4) Select “ Clear History ” button: This will empty
your History folder. This folder stores shourcuts to the pages
you viewed during this and previoys sessions.
Netscape Navigator:
1) Click on “ View ” from the top menu
bar and then click on "Reload"
2) If you still cannot see your changes, click on “ Edit”. and then click “ Preferences ”.
3) Select “ Clear Location Bar ” button: This clears
all the browser info cached on your computer's hard drive.
Click this to delete the contents of the Temporary Internet
Files folder or folders.
4) Select “ Clear History ” button: This will empty
your History folder. This folder stores shourcuts to the pages
you viewed during this and previoys sessions.
America Online:
1) Right Click on the web page and press [F5] to referesh your AOL Browser.
bar and then click on "Refresh"
AOL does not have a function to clear nrowser info cached ”.
- A client cannot see
all of my site's navigation buttons on his scree. What's happening?
While your Website is designed to be backward compatible
with older browsers, some of the settings on those browsers
can make it hard to see all of the navigational buttons on
your Website.
For example, America Online's older browsers take up a lot
of screen space for advertising and AOL specific features.
The best way to experience the Internet is to make sure your
video settings are set for a resolution of 800 x 600 or better
( avoiding 640 x 480 ). Also be sure to turn off useless settings
susch as " text lables" on the browsers toolbar.
For those with smaller monitors(e.g., 14" and 15"
sizes) the above recommendations are even more important.
Website susbscribers with a customiztion plan might consider
adding a statement at the bottom of their Welcome page that
reads " This site is best viewed in 800 x 600 resolution".
- Why does the link I
set up on my Website open within my Website, rather than in its
own window?
To have linked WebPages open outside your Websites frameset,
you can simply add a target attribute to the link. For example:
< a href=" the links's web address" target ="_top">
This will result in the linked Web Page opening in the same
windows ( browser page), but without your Website frameset.
To have WebPages open in an additional/separate windows (
browser page) than use:
<a href="'the link's web address" taget="_blank>
Note: FAQs can only be viewed using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser only. So, please make sure the browser, you are using, is Internet Explorer.