General Questions |
Please Click on a topic below:
- What is CompleteSite Interactive Center?
How do I subscribe?
To become a Subscriber, visit www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com
and in the left navigation bar (gray), click on “SUBSCRIBE NOW”. Follow the online instructions.
Note: If you have any questions or would like to subscribe over the phone, please contact Customer Service.
Who do I do if I forget my User ID or password?
If you do not remember either your User ID or your password, logon to www.ComplerteSiteInteractive.com. Click the hyperlink
titled "Forgot your Password?" Simply fill out the form provided and your Password and/or User ID will be e-mailed to you.
You can also contact Customer Service by Email and a representative will reply with your login credentials. For verification purposes, please remember to include the name you used to register initially.
For security purposes, we will reply only to the e-mail address that you provided when registering.
How do I change my password?
Step #1: Go to www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com.
Step #2: Log in to the “Subscriber Login” fields using your administrator's unique “ Username ” and “ Password“.
Step #3: In the left navigation bar(gray), under “Interactive Center”, click on “Staff Directory/Logins”.
Step #4: Follow the online instructions.
Step #5: Important! If you make any changes, you must scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”.
Note: If you have forgotten your login information, please contact Customer Service.
How do I customize the Interactive Center?
We provide a private section of CompleteSite Interactive for subscribers only. Here you can access our exclusive SiteBuilder and make changes with a keystroke. The whole process has been
designed for ease of use. To go there now, click here.
How can I incorporate the Interactive Centers into my existing Website?
Integrating our Interactive Centers into your existing Website is very simple. Just set up the links to the Firm Interactive
and the Client Interactive on your Website, which we will provide when you subscribe. The Interactive Centers will open in their
own Pages. You and your clients can use the Centers without limitation. When finished, closing the Center will return you and your clients to your original site.
Do my clients need a password to access my Website, Financial Guidance Center or Interacrive Center?
No, and yes. Clients don't need a password to access the Website or the Financial Guidance Center; however, they will need a password, which you assign to them, to access the Client Interactive Center.
We are resellers. Can we use our Website to recommend some of our products to clients?
Yes, you have a “Recommended Products” page in your Client Interactive Center. Just go to the Recommended Client Products section in the SiteBuilder. There is a menu of providers
that offer reseller programs. Just select those products that you want to display on the Recommended Client Products page of your Website, and add some descriptive language if you like.
In the rare situation where a product is not in the menu, you can type in the URL to the demo or home page of the product, and it will automatically show up on your Recommended Client
Products page. To go there, click here.
Can I increase my online storage space if I need to?
Yes. We currently have no limit on the amount of online storage space available. However, we need to charge a small fee for the extra server space used. You are automatically allotted
100 megabytes of online storage space with your subscription to the CompleteSite Interactive Center. We know that some times of the year you will require more space than others,
so we have established a simple monthly plan. The cost for each additional 50 megabytes of online storage space per month will $5.
Example: If you need 200 megabytes in all. There is no charge for the first 100 megabytes, but you will be charged $10 per month for the 2 additional 50-megabyte blocks of space.
Note: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Customer Service.
What kind of security is there for the Document Manager?
We are aware of the importance of online security and that is why we offer 128-bit SSL protection for your documents and files. Passwords are also stored using 128-bit strong encryption.
Note: FAQs can only be viewed using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser only. So, please make sure the browser, you are using, is Internet Explorer.