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- What is CompleteSite Interactive Financial Guidance Center?
How do I subscribe?
To become a Subscriber, visit www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com
and in the left navigation bar (gray), click on “SUBSCRIBE
NOW”. Follow the online instructions.
Note: If you have any questions or would like to subscribe
over the phone, please contact Customer Service.
Who prepares the content for Financial Guidance Center?
The content in the Financial Guidance Center is prepared by the founders of The Practical Accountant and Accounting Technology magazines, along with many of the leaders in the Accounting Profession.
To see just a few, click here.
What level of client sophistication is the financial guidance material aimed at?
The level depends on the particular material; keeping in mind the basic goals of both helping the client and helping you build your practice. Some Financial Guides are fairly
basic, and mention that specific guidance (from your firm) depends on each client's particular situation. Other Financial Guides are fairly detailed, sometimes beyond the level of
many clients. That's because they are intended to provide an insight into the complexities of the situation, so that clients realize that do-it-yourself can be dangerous. In addition,
these Guides give clients sufficient background to provide informed input when discussing the situation with you.
To have the material address different levels of client sophistication,
we utilize the "subsidiary information" technique. The more advanced material in a Financial Guide is removed from the text of the Guide and placed on a "virtual page"
which is accessed from a link in the text. Thus, clients who want an easy flow of information can get it while those wanting "More" information can access it with a mouse click.
Why is some of the financial guidance material outside the area of the tradiational accounting practice?
There are many areas covered by the Financial Guidance Center that do not directly relate to your practice. This is based on market research indicating that clients appreciate any
needed help (which they view as coming from your firm) simply because they generally have no other reliable avenues for obtaining it. Indeed, clients recognize that such guidance
is intended primarily for their benefit and not offered because of practice-building motives. (Many clients are aware that most so-called guidance on the Internet is self-motivated.)
If the advice helps them, our research shows, they will appreciate your firm for providing it, even if it is not directly related to your practice. Perhaps they will appreciate it more just
because it is not related.
Many life events that seemingly are outside the purview of your practice may nonetheless suggest a need for professional advice that may not be initially apparent. For example, practitioners
are increasingly becoming involved in helping clients handle a child's educational needs, not only in setting up trusts and providing other tax and financial planning but also in
calculating the need for financial aid and suggesting sources that can provide it. And if your firm does not provide this full range of services, you can partner with a counselor or
firm that does.
Moreover, a Financial Guide that does not directly relate
to your practice may contain links to related Financial Guides
and other material that do relate, opening up an opportunity
that would not otherwise come to the client's attention.
Keep in mind, however, that the key to a successful Website
is to have clients and potential clients coming back to it
as often as possible. If they come back because they want
to view material not directly related to your practice, that
still benefits your firm because (1) they may then explore
other material that is directly related and/or (2) they will
think of, and appreciate, your firm for providing this information.
This provides a major advantage over the competition.
Is the material copyrighted?
Yes. It is not only copyrighted but also copyright-protected.
Meta tags embedded into the material will alert us to any unauthorized
What criteria are used in choosing the calculators offered in the Financial Guidance Center?
The numerous calculators offered through the Financial Guidance
Center are specifically screened to allow clients to perform
only (1) some general calculations (information they would
never call on you for or you couldn't charge for if they did)
or (2) some interim calculations for arriving at certain financial
goals (input information which should make your job easier).
However, we do not provide clients with the calculators for
performing the concluding calculations if such calculators
might provide misleading suggestions in the absence of professional
guidance. These calculators are available only to you in this
Subscriber Site—in case you choose to use them.
Keep in mind that clients have access to calculators on other
financial planning sites. If you fail to provide an appropriate
number of calculators, clients might go elsewhere—and
perhaps get in trouble because they might rely on a calculator
for guidance in an area that really requires professional
input. Therefore, we try to strike the proper balance in the
calculators we offer.
If you ever feel that certain information or calculators
can cause clients to attempt do-it-yourself in situations
where professional guidance is necessary for informed action,
please let us know and we will revise the material.
Please note that your Websites interactive calculation programs
are made available to subscribers and their clients as self-help
tools for independent use. The calculators are licensed to
FSO Technologies, Inc. by TimeValue Software, Inc. We cannot
and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability
to your circumstances.
What criteria are used in choosing the external sites offered in the Financial Guidance Center?
The external links, which are found within the Financial Guides and Planning Aids, are intended to allow clients to
access helpful information outside of the Financial Guidance Center. Although virtually all of our links are to non-commercial
sites (such as those hosted by the government, universities and non-profit organizations), we do provide some links to
respectable commercial sites (such as The New York Times, CNN, Dun & Bradstreet, Standard & Poor's) that contain
advertising. This is done for the simple reason that these sites contain helpful information that is not otherwise available.
Your clients will appreciate the extensive listing of external links, which will enhance their perception of your Website
as a very helpful resource.
Note: We receive no compensation for providing the link to a site that contains advertising.
How can I incorporate the Financial Guidance Center into my existing website?
Integrating our Interactive Centers into your existing Website is very simple. Just set up the link to any of our Centers –
Financial Guidance Center, Interactive Center or Monthly Newsletter module—which we will provide when you subscribe. The Center
will open in its own Page. You and your clients can use the Centers without limitation. When finished, closing the Center will return you and your clients to your original site.
- Can I link to individual content sections in the Financial Guidance Center?
Yes. You simply need to set up a link from your existing Website to each Financial Guidance Center. Simply copy the
selected HTML code and paste the code into your Website. It's that easy.
To view your Financial Guidance Center HTML code and further instructions, please login to your SiteBuilder Wizard.
For instructions on how to get to the SiteBuilder Wizard, click here.
Note: FAQs can only be viewed using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser only. So, please make sure the browser, you are using, is Internet Explorer.