Domain Name Questions |
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What is a “Domain Name”?
A Domain Name is a unique name you create to identify your Website on the Internet. Technically, the Domain Name is the part of the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that tells a domain-name server where to forward a request for a Web page. It is a unique identifier, which assigns a name to a specific IP address. Since IP addresses are merely strings of numbers, the Domain Name system was developed to facilitate ease of recognition and recall of site addresses. A domain name can simply be thought of as your Internet address. The Internet uses Internet Protocol (IP) addresses with easy-to- remember names or phrases. A domain name is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet.
Your domain name is the core of your company's online identity. It is the address your clients will use to find information about your firm on the web. Once registered, no other party may use that identity (domain name)
When you register for a CompleteSite Interactive Website, you will be offered several options for a unique Domain Name, which FSO will host at no additional charge.
Example: www.completesiteinterative.com/YourFirmNameHere
For instructions on modifying your CompleteSite Interactive free Domain Name, click here.
The URLs we provide for your website are usually long, so you might want to get a shorter, easy-to-remember, unique or custom domain name suitable for your firm. This will allow your site visitors to type a shorter version domain based URL, such as, “www.YourFirmNameHere.com” in the URL text field of the browser to access your website instead of a longer version URL, such as, “www.completesiteinteractive.com/YourFirmNameHere”.
I don't already have a domain name. What would my Web address be for my CompleteSite Interactive Website?
During the customization process, you can choose from a list of accounting-related doamin names, e.g., accounting-site.com, capinteractive.net, ect.
You will also need to enter the name of a directory for your website, usually your firm name(e.g., Jamison). Your resulting Web address would be as http://www.acounting-site.com/jamison.
How do I register for a unique Domain Name of my choosing?
FSO Technologies does not provide Domain Name registration services for custom domain names. To register a Domain Name unique to your firm, you will need to contact a Domain Name Registrar. Here are just a few you can choose from:
To see the list of all the domain name registrars, click here.
Once you have registered your firms’ custom domain name (hosted on the DNS vendors server), your next step is to link (or point) it to your CompleteSite Interactive Website (hosted on FSO Technologies server).
I already have registered a domain name. Can I use it with CompleteSite Interactive?
Yes. Once you've subscribed, you can link your custom domain name to your CompleteSite Interactive using Domain Forwarding.
How do I start using my unique Domain Name with my CompleteSite Interactive Website?
To link (or point) your firms’ custom domain name (hosted on the DNS vendors server), to your CompleteSite Interactive Website (hosted on FSO Technologies server), you will need to set up Domain Forwarding.
Domain Forwarding enables you to use your new custom domain name to point to your existing Website on the Internet. The DNS converts your domain name into the IP address of your Website.
By linking your registered domain name with your CompleteSite Interactive Website, your visitors will be directed to your Website by typing your new URL address.
Note: You can register as many unique Web addresses as you like to describe your firm. You can make each of these addresses direct potential clients to the same Website.
To set up Domain Forwarding, request your name registrar or Domain Name Service (DNS) to point your new name to your unique CompleteSite Interactive Web address (set up when you created your website).
Example: www.CompleteSiteInteractive.com/jamison
Once this is established, any time a user types in your new address, the request will bring up your CompleteSite Interactive Website.
See also: Domain Masking or Cloaking.
What if my Registrar cannot do Domain Forwarding?
In some cases, especially with smaller name registrars, they cannot set up Domain Forwarding. In these instances, you will need to request that they use CNAME Pointing instead.
In order for your custom domain name to point to your CompleteSite Interactive Website, you will need to change the domain settings with your current domain registrar.
To accomplish this, please take the following two steps:
Step 1: Contact your current registrar and request that they create a CNAME record to point your new domain name to: dnsfwd.completesiteinteractive.com
Note: Please make sure they place the “www.” before your new domain name when they create the CNAME record, i.e., www.YourFirmName.com
Step 2: Send an e-mail message to Customer Service informing us that you have completed CNAME Pointing with your registrar and include your new custom domain name. Once we receive your e-mail message, FSO Technologies will make the necessary changes to support the domain. Please note that this can take up to one week.
Note: Free Core Website subscribers will be charged a one-time charge of $35 for this feature.
What is Domain “Masking” or “Cloaking”?
Domain Masking or Cloaking allows your unique domain name to appear in a browser address bar when you use Domain Forwarding to point or redirect viewers to your CompleteSite Interactive Website. This procedure prevents visitors from knowing that they have been redirected, since your domain name remains in the visitor's browser's address bar.
If you have pointed a unique domain name it to your CompleteSite Interactive Website, you may still have to Mask or Cloak the Website address you created when you set up your CompleteSite Interactive Website.
To determine whether you need Domain Masking or Cloaking, simply type your domain name into your browser and go to your Website. With your Website open, look at your address bar. Do you see the address you typed in or do you see the address you created when you setup your CompleteSite Interactive Website? It should show the address you typed; otherwise, you may want to setup Domain Masking or Cloaking.
To setup Domain Masking or Cloaking you will need to contact your current registrar or Domain Name Service (DNS) and request this feature.
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